Monday, September 24, 2012

what if

1. what if you were all alone and suddenly a cat is running after you?
2. what if you had that feeling to be the winner but unfortunately, at the end you lose?
3. what if you stood up on the roof and suddenly a bird flies through you?
4. what if you were enjoying your time being alone and suddenly a guy likes you and you like him back, but at the same time you still want to be alone?
5. what if you had that passion and dream, but your parents do not support you?
6. what if you were not you?

what would you feel?

(p.s: if you answer positively for number 6, that means you're not satisfied with yourself. that means, you're not able to love yourself.)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

despair and desire

the sky is pitch black,
but actually there are billion stars behind it,
even zillion,
that shine with hopes.

i'm just a small creature, 
just a single living person,
with a heartbeat that fends me, 
and with a brain that leads me,

but that's exactly why.

that's exactly why i'm walking,
exactly why i'm breathing,
and why i'm smiling,
because i know,

i know that all stars have hopes.

and i do have one.

----the end.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

GLOBAL WARMING – Is More Global Action Needed?

Seeing birds flying everyday through the polluted air, seeing kids lying down on the streets, hearing bad news everywhere which caused by global warming, environmental issues that placed on everywhere inside the newspaper’s columns.
Are you tired of knowing those all?

When you grow up, you may have children, and your children will probably have children. They, too, will need the things the Earth provides. Between the years 1990 and 2000, the population of the Earth may have grown by about 900 million people. By the year 2050, the population could have doubled. Will there still be food for everyone? Will the Earth be a healthy and pleasant place to live? Will there be enough clean water, and will the air be fresh enough to breathe?

Now look around, 80% of world teenagers are smoking cigarettes, every cigarettes can make our ozone leaked, so the sun bright is not resisted by the leaked ozone. It can create a sun storm that happened approximately 10 million years ago that made dinosaurs extinct. So we can reduce the consumption of cigarettes due to help global warming.

Each day passing brings yet new proof that we are now in front of a global emergency, a climate emergency that needs instant action to piercingly decrease carbon dioxide emissions worldwide in order to turn down the earth's rising temperatures and avoid any catastrophe.

We need to eat, to build homes and to stay warm. We farm crops and herds of animals for food. We dig up coal and drill for oil. We cut down many forests, drained wetlands and wiped out plant.  We use up things that Earth provides. But why do we keep breaking it?

Scientist has proven that a single plastic bag needs 100 year to be degraded, imagine every day we use at least 2 plastic bags. There are 6 billion people in this world, imagine that there’s 12 billion plastic bags everyday, imagine how many years that we need to degrade the plastic bag to soil.
Every one of us has a part to play in saving the earth. There are lots of things we can do to help. What can you do for the earth?

It isn’t just the earth who’s been suffering. The people, too, some of us who’s living on this planet has been suffering for years because of global warming that caused health impacts. Malnutrition because of the drought, heat waves and fires caused death, and also infectious diseases like dengue and malaria. Various diseases due to Ebola, hanta and machupo virus are expected due to warmer climates.

Taking care of nature means trying to keep a balance between the needs of people and the needs of wildlife. The world has to be shared. People everywhere are realizing that wild animals, wild plants, and wild places need to be saved. So why you just realized yet you’re not doing anything to help?
There is more action needed to safe this planet from ending. Action should be taken to prevent the environment from these green house gases thus, polluting the air. Today, global warming is the major concern for everyone. So necessary action should be taken.

Many efforts are being made by various nations to cut down the rate of global warming. One such effort is the Kyoto agreement that has been made between various nations to reduce the emissions of various green house gases. Also many nonprofit organizations are working for the cause.

Furthermore, i have these thoughts that seem could help to reduce this global warming issues, although maybe it’ll bring just a little help.
Global actions for global warming, actions that need to be done to safe the Earth. I’ve thought that cars, whose have tons of bad factors because of its fumes, need to be reduced. But not everyone likes to ride bicycles, right? And not everyone wants to spend time walking by feet.

So this is what I’ve thought: hybrid cars. They’re maybe expensive, but it’s worth to use because it helps a lot. Hybrid cars reduce fuel emissions because the hybrid engine uses the battery and not gasoline when accelerating, which improves fuel economy and lowers emissions of pollution going into the air. Hybrid cars reduce smog by ninety percent and use far less gas than conventional cars do.
So i thought that hybrid cars’ price should’ve been reduced for our earth’s sake.

Next, I’ll tell you things that we can do easily. We know the basic actions like avoid CFCs and so on, but there’s more. Unplug unused electronics (because they use energy even when they’re off),  grow fast-growing plants (like bamboo, plus it produces 35% more oxygen than other plants), use public transportations or use your vehicle as a tool against global warming (such as hybrid cars or at least fuel efficient cars), Try using refills instead of buying new jars or bottles each time (this reduces your consumption and is usually cheaper, too).

We need them not just to looked at and enjoy. We need them because they provide us with food and oxygen. If the earth can’t survive, we can’t either! So if you don’t know how to fix it, please stop breaking it! If we do all we can to protect the Earth, its air and its water, they will last as long as we need them. It is up to everyone of us to help save the Earth!

The Earth has no mouth to tell us that it has been suffering for so long time. I’m sure a hundred percent that we all know the Earth has suffered. Is it the Earth? Or is it us that caused all the newspaper’s columns crowded with bad issues? The Earth can’t heal itself, so now it is up to us. I bet you have told to many ones “don’t break the earth” so now let your words pay.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

i really really really don't know what to do right now.

konbanwa! hi. long time no post.
as you the title you know........
i really really really really am supre hipre bored right now. don't know what to do what to write what to eat even what to do for myself to sleep. i feel like im in an insomnia phase right now. i couldn't sleep til midnight lately eventho i have to wake up at 4 to eat sahur. oh yes! im fasting, it's ramadhan people :D

so for now i'll type anything that i want to type. im a typehig and i don't even know what typehig is. i should tell you this before i start...maaf kalo kali ini supre bacot & gak berbobot samasekali hoho manusiawi!
ok i'll start.. first is, home sweet home. don't know why i typed it its like my fingers typed on their own. don't even know what that really means also.
hmm what else...right now fyi i haven't pressed the delete/erase button on my keyboard even once, i guess i'm spilling all out now. oh yes the truth is i've been watching japanese series recently because i really love their language and i want to learn japanese and show it off to my mom..because her japanese is really good and as i know she had lived in japan for years when she's still in school, but i really hate it because she never admit that she's good in it but unfortunately my uncles and auntie said that my mom's really good, so what else i could do beside watching japanese movies? the stories are pretty good regrets for watching it :p
what else huh.. oh yes my auntie has 5 cats. and one of them has babies and i really want one :( but my mom refused it because...... ok let me tell you this endless story.

when i was 8 or something i guess, i had this gold-normal like and the truth is i didn't really know what type my cat was.
so, this cat was named bule and he's a boy, my dad bought him in bandung
and i loved bule so much. until one day when i just got home from school and called his name like i did everyday at that time, but he didn't answer a voice. he disappeared.
until 3 years later...i was eleven. i was randomly talking with my family about having pets at home (?) and all of a sudden.......i guessed my mom was slipped out of words or sumthin and she said 'ah gamau punya kucing lagi males buangnya lagi' and suddenly i was extremely freaked out and silent and calmly asked (sbnrnya gak calm samsek) 'maksudnya ma?' and mama was freaked out too as i could see from her face and she said 'yah keceplosan' and she explained everything. nicely are her explanations:

my little sister (flo) who was just like 2 years old when bule hasn't disappeared, had an asthma (until now actually) and bule peed on flo's bed..unfortunately he didn't have any special training as my family didn't give enough attention to him and i was still a kid so i couldn't do any trainings for him.
so, its pretty obvious that flo's asthma had gone bad at that time because of bule's pee. so mama casted bule off without asking or telling me anything by putting bule on random street.

turns out it has and end so its not that endless i'd say
thats all i'm sleepy now, oyasumi (have a good sleep)!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Anorexia. a bad habit also a physical disease which caused dangerous actions.

nowadays, many girls want to be skinny or stuff don't they? a girl, sometimes ignores hunger or avoids carbohydrates nor proteins that could caused plenty of fats, so that her body becomes thinner than how it was supposed to be. honestly, i've had this experience once, but fortunately i've recovered soon enough. that's why i'm gonna write about this kind of disease. it's a disease, in spite of a bad habit, this has been recognized as a physical disease.

Anorexia, as known as "eating disorder" also causes metabolic and hormonal disorders. it seems normal when people are doing a diet programme, but in this case, the diet is too strict and they're exaggerating it. photo models nor runaway models do this kind of habit more often. it's dangerous actually, many models couldn't survive from this dangerous habit and faced death. by only eat apples and soup everyday and even sometimes throw it all up again after eating (this one is called 'bullemia'), their body couldn't bear it.

some of them were: 

1. Isabelle Caro

"French model and actress Isabelle Caro who became an international symbol for her struggle with anorexia has died at the age of 28"
although she represented a controversial billboard campaign about anorexia, she still didn't survive. only 68 lbs weighed when she's dead.

2. Hila Elmanich

"she was once a famous fashion model in the country."
On November 14, 2007, Elmalich died weighing under 27 kilograms (less than 60 pounds). She was 33 years old.

3. Luisel Ramos

"On August 2, 2006 at about 9:15pm, Luisel Ramos died of heart failure while participating in a fashion show during Fashion Week in Montevideo, Uruguay."

based on the information, Luisel's father told the police she had gone days without eating.

So, don't worry too much about your body. as long as you're healthy, keep it and don't do reckless things with it.

a memorable experience that had happened upon my family.

one thing that had made an over-whelming reaction and made huge changes in my family was my little brother and sister when they were still babies. i don't know why, but a thing that we(my fam and i) can't afford to forget is them. the anxiety has always whipping around and gathered all upon us, because they're now 10 years old and have grown up healthy and carefree. and i always write about this in every blog i make, the first one was in my tumblr. somehow this has been an experience that i always concern about and remember.

my little brother, farrel and my sister, flo. they had spent the entire 7 months together in my mother's tummy. cuma 7 bulan. pas lahir, mereka lahir premature, lahir gak normal soalnya cuma 7 bulan. pas baru banget lahir, dokter udah warned papa kalo kemungkinan flo & farrel buat hidup cuma 40%. papa sengaja gak ngasih tau mama pas itu, soalnya kalo mama tau pasti bakal histeris.

pas lahir, flo farrel kecil banget, kira2 panjang badannya gak lebih panjang dari botol bir. berat mereka cuma 1 kilogram pas. mereka lahir dalam keadaan buta, tulang masih over-lunak, telinga blm berfungsi, paru-paru dan jantungnya juga belum sempurna. everybody who saw them was all turned into tears back then.

flo & farrel akhirnya di icu & di inkubator selama 3 bulan. tiap hari, mereka di sempurnain tubuhnya. mata mereka dibuka dan di laser, kalo engga bakal buta. mereka juga di terapi tulangnya, kalo engga bakal lumpuh. karena alat pencernaan mereka belum sempurna, mereka minum susu lewat selang yg dimasukin lewat pusar selama 1,5 bulan, fungsinya sama kayak tali pusar di perut ibu, karna emang seharusnya pas bulan segitu mereka masih di perut mama jadi semuanya dibuat persis kayak sistem kehamilan diluar perut. badan mereka penuh suntikan, sampe dikepala juga disuntik. semua orang yg ke icu pasti ngeliatin flo & farrel, terus pada kepo nanya itu kenapa ke suster2 di icu. emang sih kasian banget kalo diliat 1 badan suntikan semua, gue juga kalo bukan kakaknya bakal kepo ngeliatin..

farrel (2 bln di inkubator)

flo (2 bln di inkubator)

but finally, the 40% life-chance was turned into 100%. the doctor himself, was utterly confused and didn't believe that his work could brought an amazing outcome. 

just weeks ago, my father read a newspaper and there was a column about a 5 yr-old boy who was a premature baby that couldn't be saved and he's blind eversince. therefore, my family was extremely thankful to dr. idham because without all of his effort back then, probably my little siblings could've been the same..

and now....


mereka sehat. sangat sehat malah.. 


first greet.

hola. i've just learnt that hola uses h.
pengen punya blog lg & baru sempet buat skrg.
terus mumpung skrg lg libur.. i've decided to make a new blog,
instead of watching dvds all day.
because i'm running out of dvds now.
dan males beli lagi.

i'll write about certain things, about what happened including special things that i might want to share. in addition, there are things that i'm interested in and i frequently browse. therefore, i ought to write them on because in my opinion, they're kinda useful (i guess so). it is good to share useful stuff, isn't it?

oh yes, and check out my tumblr (but it hasn't been taken care of in ages) //besides, there are only photos in my tumblr anyways, -->

i hope you'll enjoy & it's finally starting :-)