Friday, September 18, 2015

Failure: Jimmy Wales Is Good At It

So in this post, I'm going to write a bit about a video lecture in Maastricht University by the genius Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia. His 50 minutes lecture was so inspiring yet amusing, gave me this new insight about how difficult his process was towards his goal.

I've once heard that a good leader ought to have some sense of humor--and not to mention, Jimmy Wales is good at it. The way he speaks (relaxed yet well-structured), his intonation, and his way to embrace the audience have no doubts. I found myself giggling and laughing for a couple of times while watching his speech. Such a 50 minutes well-spent.

You will hear these words that Jimmy Wales said several times throughout his speech:

"Failure, Jimmy Wales is good at it"

Well maybe it's just because the main topic of the lecture is 'Failure', but I personally think as a virtual spectator that he has a full right to say those words, knowing that he had passed so many difficult stages of life (called the failures) and they're really full of pain. Well let's say that he loves failing too much, yet now he ends up being a billionaire.

About the content of his speech, well I have to skip that part because you should watch the whole of it by yourself to know the details about his past failures and prove that he's beyond awesome. I attached the video at the bottom of this post. But don't worry I'll tell you these 9 inspiring lessons that I got from his speech:

1. Wikipedia's original and absolute vision --and I personally think it's really great. It is for every single person on the planet, given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.

2. Choose the right inspirational figure for a model. "When people think about entrepreneurship, the model they have in their mind is really a model for someone like Mark Zuckerberg, who basically didn't have too many failures in his life. He had one great idea and executed it incredibly well at a very young age and became incredibly successful. But actually that isn't a very normal path, and it isn't a very useful model for people starting out a career, or thinking about doing something innovative or entrepreneurial."

3. His countless experience of being an entrepreneur in the 'real' world. Mostly failures.

4. Have some positive hobbies. His hobby is computer programming. Well that's (for someone who has a Ph.D. in finance obviously).

5. Learn to see the unseen. To see the details in everything, find potentials in it and you'll find unique ideas.

6. Keep on believing in yourself that you will succeed someday, even though now you're falling.

7. Make the workers not workers, but more like volunteers. To create a more fun, productive, and innovative work environment. (Just a statement, don't worry the salaries still remain the same.)

8. Brilliant ideas come from crazy, dumb ideas, and from failures too.

9. Don't be afraid to fail, we're still young anyway. "Fail faster, iterate quickly."

The lessons Jimmy Wales has learnt:

"You have this one big dream or idea, and you're so emotionally invested in it that it's very hard for you to fail. You put too much of yourself into it and instead of what you should do is small experiments. Don't invest everything in it, don't arrange your entire life so that this one idea you have is the only possible way to succeed. Do small tests, and then fail faster and iterate very quickly.

Don't tell your ego to a particular business. For example, if I tied my ego to the original design of Nupedia (his failed project before Wikipedia), I would've said "It won't work" and I would've stopped there. But I didn't. I had to really re-thinking it and re-launched it in a completely different way. (and that's how Wikipedia was born)

The thing is, real entrepreneurs  fail and fail and fail and fail. The key is, enjoy yourself along the way, and in the end you will succeed."

Here's the video:

My wish is for us, to keep on believing in ourselves that winners never quit and quitters never win, just like Jimmy Wales who never quits.

"Dialing down is not an option for me"

-Jimmy Wales

Saturday, September 5, 2015

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long..

We keep moving forward, open up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious..
And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

-Walt Disney

Monday, August 31, 2015

Just One Random Thought Under The Moonlight.

Drenched with the idea about how things would be like in 10 years from now -- really spins my head off.

Seeing the moon, makes me want to eat it.
Perfect round, beautiful light, touched up by the innocent feel,
And its surroundings--looks like my favourite soft vanilla biscuit, with chocolate chips on top.

Suddenly a thought came to mind..

I am currently blessed by having my tremendously lovable family by my side who always support me in every situation I'm in, and these two uproarious friends beside me who always remind me to study hard for the sake of my scores, plus a group of some annoying zebras who always laugh their asses off, always surrounded by great times with their exceptionally odd laptop games but still, they are unexpectedly loving at the same time--I assume, a really kind and trustworthy friend whose boyfriend is my colleague and also one of the zebras I mentioned, and last but not least, this special man to the heart who always spares his time for me (for both of us) whenever needed, the only man whom I gave a place among places in my outmoded heart. (Not included my dad and little brother obviously, that would be three)

This question has been spinning inside my head for a while and I'm about to pour this out,

"Will I be ready to face the future changes of my current life state?"
I shall answer someday.
And I'm looking forward to that day.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Untuk Kamu, Dari Aku.

"Suaramu yang khas selalu menarik perhatianku,
Candamu yang kadang tak umum, menjadi daya tarik utamamu,
Senyumanmu, menyembuhkan penyakit hati,
Kesabaranmu, menjadi kekuatan yang membentengi perpecahan,
Keikhlasanmu, membuat kita saling memaafkan.

Serta keseluruhan dirimu,
yang selalu membuatku –
ingin menjadi manusia –
yang bisa memperbaiki diri,
untuk menjadi lebih baik –
dari hari ke hari."

Dwangga Rizky Nugraha
10 Mei 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Frozen In Time

'We can't see the future, but we can foresee it.'

The moment my fingers slightly touched the strings,
that deep sound, full of sorrow,
I couldn't bare to finish the song.

This hopeless scent, 
faint scent of my breath,
hitting the wall 'til it cracked.
'Oh, is this how it feels to be left alone?'
I'm feeling it now.

To see the rain falling and flowing on the other side of the window,
dark petal it is, I wish it was snow.
Crystal clear-- the sound of the rain,
slowly, stealthy, competing my tears.

Open the door, the furious wind invaded towards me.
I know it'd harm me but I need fresh air,
'cause the cracked wall throttled me, 
I helplessly feel uneasy.

'Ah, so this is how rain feels like'
So cold, yet so gentle,
Soaking my clothes and my trembling body.
Tastes like lemonade, 
or maybe my tongue's already tasted too much tears.

Look up, I can see the unclear sky.
no birds, or stars, because it's raining I can tell.
Such a dark, pitch black, lonely sky,
yet I'm still questioning something unforgivable,
'Are they looking at the same lonely sky right now?'
Perhaps our lonely skies are connected after all.

Yes, it sucks.
I just don't understand anymore,
how life can be so cruel sometimes.
so cruel, it freezes me.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


 Life is pretty simple from my eyes,

To see things which can be seen,
to hear sounds and voices which can be heard,
to do things which can be done,
and to love, to care, to share,
to sympathize.

I've once had my passion on an artistic track,
I really, really, really loved to paint, to draw.
And I dreamed to be a famous graphic designer, or to be a novel illustrator.

But somehow I got myself into this Engineering World.
Which, can be assumed, as a 'wrong' way for me to choose.
I hated math, I hated physics,
and I knew nothing about informatics.

Then I soon realized,
That this life is not always to be on a track that you want.

Because this life is short,
You just have to Go Explore! 

Do things, Try new things,
Adapt with new people from different backgrounds,
Just say Hi! and you'll be remembered.

But remember, don't let the bad times let you down.
Maybe sometimes you have problems because of-
some personal reasons,
and when people judge you for that,

don't worry.
Just say sorry, and let it be a lesson.
Don't blame yourself for too long,
because nobody's perfect after all.

You are awesome,
Everybody is awesome,
Just say to yourself that you are awesome! 

And you'll be happy.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Time flies too fast

Never been to this city before
And my first time feels like forever
The old me was a stranger
Now i barely know her

Yesterday i was a kid
Holding my mom's hand
Crying my heart out
I had nothing to endure

Moving out felt like drizzle
When clarity was all beyond me
When future was still far ahead
When love was still a game

Time after time, i regret
Wasting all that i have behind a wall
A lot of stories remain in my heart
While i'm flying beneath the unseen

Still, could there be a dream?
I want to go back to the ones that have no sin,
I want to go back to the time when all people understand me,
And now everything seems changing in seconds,

And still changing, time after time.